How can Open Ocean Data be used?

Coral reefs, together with mangrove ecosystems and seagrass ecosystems, provide natural coastal protection. Ecologically, coral reefs are the feeding, nursery and spawning ground for many marine organisms which makes it sensitive to physical and chemical environmental factors, that can become limiting factors. Physical environmental factors that have significant role in the development of coral reefs are temperature, depth, salinity, and turbidity. With the Open Ocean Data tool, ocean-based data derived from historical and ongoing satellite programs can be visualised in graphs at point locations or in spatial maps. Users can download this data and also share it as a widget on external websites and platforms. What makes this tool unique is that it is a community-based, open data platform where several datasets can be combined or compared simultaneously resulting in all kinds of new insights all to better understand our interactions with the open ocean.

Types of Ocean Data


Nutrient enrichment and eutrophication may give rise to increased phytoplankton biomass, increased frequency and duration of phytoplankton blooms and increased primary production, which can have a long term negative impact on the local environment. Our tool maps and measures leels of chlorophyll-a, used as an estimate of phytoplankton biomass, which can then be included in most eutrophication monitoring programs.

Sea Temperature

The impacts of coral reefs from rising sea temperatures. When coral reefs become heat-exposed they die, leaving the white dead coral, also known as bleaching. With even moderate pollution, the coral are easily overgrown with algae, or broken down by wave activity or storms, leaving only “coral rubble” on the ocean bed. This is why we seek to empower  organizations to connect coral bleaching data with open ocean data like sea temperature, up to 30 meters in depth.

Blue Carbon

Blue Carbon refers to organic carbon that is captured and stored by the oceans and coastal ecosystems, particularly by vegetated coastal ecosystems like seagrass meadows, tidal marshes, and mangrove forests. Mapping and accounting for Blue Carbon is important to unleash its potential to mitigate climate change while achieving co-benefits, such as coastal protection and fisheries enhancement.


More Integrations with Open Coral AI

All accessible through Open Ocean Data

Integrate Reef Cover
Hard and Soft Coral Cover relationship to the changes ocean conditions are critical to make informed changes in the field of marine conservation and research.
Build 3D Models of Your Reefs and Generate Metrics
We analyse the 3D benthic data collection through our proprietary ML algorithms to understand complexity, rugosity, and volumetric-qualities of coral colonies and benthic habitats.
Fish Monitoring
We are also developing a (pelagic) fish monitoring model that can detect various fishes of length, color, age and species, using underwater cameras that can be installed at your site.

Save your sites

There are some additional features to be discovered in our platform.

Plan and Log Data for Monitoring Dives
In the full platform, you will be able to save your sites, log data from survey dives, plan with team and calender, and gather special insights on water quality through Open Ocean Data's satellite data.

Open Ocean Data Toolkit

We believe in sharing and in empowering communities.  The platform is therefore community based. Interaction between the users provides opportunities to learn from each other, and to come up with new insights, ideas and datasets. Your involvement is very much appreciated, and we are continuously expanding our community. This has already resulted in interesting feedback and ideas, which are now available in the beta-version. Membership is free of charge with no obligations. Membership gives you access to the latest version and the opportunity to contribute to new developments. Your contribution may be in the form of an idea, a suggestion, feedback or a whole new dataset. Open Ocean Data has the option to add your dataset.  You can contribute by sending an email to us.


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